News 2023-2024

Print of the Year 2024 Judge Chris Palmer (Amersham)
Posted on Fri 24 May 2024

Chris Palmer who judges from club to international level and is in much demand came to Park Street to judge our final contest of the season. As would be expected of such an experienced judge his comments were very appropriate and constructive. Chris suggested that some of the prints...

PDI of the Year Judge Mark Buckley-Sharp 16 May 2024
Posted on Fri 17 May 2024

62 Images were entered for the PDI of the year for Mark to judge. He was able to assess them in advance which was appreciated. His comments were fair and precise on each image and ended up holding back 19 before the final placings were announced. The top honour went to Jeremy for his...

Macro Photography Daniel Bridge 9 May 2024
Posted on Fri 10 May 2024

Daniel was welcomed back to the club to give what was a very comprehensive and well illustrated talk on Macro photography. He began with discussing what is the definition of true macro photography and compared it to close up photography using for example zoom lenses. He discussed the...

Open Prints Round 4 Judge Naomi Saul 25 April 2024
Posted on Fri 26 Apr 2024

This was the final round of this season's print league judged by Naomi Saul. A total of 26 images were entered on the night. Naomi who is a very experienced judge (and who hadn't visited Park Street for very many years) made some very apt comments about all of the images. She ended up...

Vietnam - Jeremy Fraser-Mitchell 18 April 2024
Posted on Fri 19 Apr 2024

We were taken on a photographic trip through Vietnam by Jeremy following his visit last September. Starting with the hustle and bustle of Hanoi, through river trips and the highly photogenic and colourful rice fields Jeremy made the most of his subject matter with plenty of excellent...

Creative Cup Judge Sarah Sands 11/4/24
Posted on Fri 12 Apr 2024

The annual Creative Cup competition attracted 49 images with a maximum of 5 entries from each member. This was a chance for members to maybe experiment with images that they might not have entered in other competitions during the season. Sarah Sands made full use of her instructions to...

Wildlife Cups Judge Andy Sands 21 March 2024
Posted on Fri 22 Mar 2024

Only a few weeks since Andy wowed us with his own wildlife images he was back to judge our own set. There were a total of 27 PDIs and 15 prints to be judged and using his vast experience of wildlife photography was able to make some useful comments on the set we provided. An evening with...

Open PDIs Round 4 Judge Malcom Rapier (Edmonton)
Posted on Fri 15 Mar 2024

This was the final round of this season's open PDI league judged by Malcom Rapier. There were 36 images entered and Malcom was able to give plenty of time to discuss each entry. More than half of the images were initially held back before the break and breaking with tradition the top three...

Panels Competition 7 March 2024 Judge Dave Hipperson
Posted on Sat 9 Mar 2024

The panels competition was introduced to the club by Dave a few years ago and has been very successful. Images were considered to be either panels or montages depending on the number of photos within the frame although occasionally there did seem to be a slight overlap. The way individual...

Peoples Cups 22 Feb 2024 Judge Kevin Day
Posted on Fri 23 Feb 2024

There were 24 PDIs and 15 prints entered for this season's Peoples Cups judged by Kevin Day from Stoke Poges. Kevin gave plenty of time to each image and made plenty of constructive comments. 11 images were held back from the PDIs and 7 prints were held back for final consideration. Kevin...

Open Prints Round 3 15 February 2024 Judge Peter Prosser
Posted on Fri 16 Feb 2024

Although there were only 24 prints entered for this competition this gave Peter plenty of time to comment on each and he was able to offer a number of useful suggestions as to how some of them could be improved. After the initial critiques 12 images were held back before the final...

'My Last Year's Activity' Andy Sands Feb 8 2024
Posted on Fri 9 Feb 2024

We always know when Andy comes to the club that we will have an entertaining and informative evening and this was no exception. Andy split the evening into sections beginning with birds with some great images ranging from short eared owls in flight to curlews that have started to become an...

Infrared Photography David Butler Jan 18 2024
Posted on Fri 9 Feb 2024

David very kindly stepped in at short notice to give us a talk on infrared photography.

Most of us have seen infrared images but very few of us have actually taken any. This is because one has to have a camera that has been converted for the purpose.

PDIs Round 3 Judge Chris Drury St. Albans
Posted on Wed 7 Feb 2024

There were 36 entries for Open PDIs round 3 and Chris held back 13 for a second look. The final outcome was a win for Terry Day with his mono image of a second hand bookshop.


1st Terry Day Second Hand Bookshop


Mono Cups Judge Colin Southgate (Harpenden) 25 January 2024
Posted on Mon 29 Jan 2024

Colin Southgate returned to Park Street to judge our Mono PDI and Print competitions. There were 33 PDIs entered and 15 prints. Initially 13 PDIs were held back warranting a second look before being whittled down for the final placings. Jeremy's atmospheric portrait 'Traditional Music' was...

Competition : Open Prints Round 2 Judge: Michael Lurie of Pinner
Posted on Fri 1 Dec 2023

Twenty eight images were entered for the round 2 open prints competition. Michael Lurie began by congratulating the club on the presentation and in particular the mounting of the prints. He also emphasised that he was looking for a degree of originality. Before the break he gave a fair critique...

Landscape Cups Rojer Weightman (Stoke Poges)
Posted on Mon 27 Nov 2023

This years Landscape Cup competition was judged by Rojer Weightman who made several useful suggestions about some of the images. A few of them would have been improved by sharper focusing and a few appeared to be oversaturated but this was largely due to the brightness of the projector image...

Open PDIs Round 2 Judge Amanda Wright (Ealing)
Posted on Tue 14 Nov 2023

A good turn out of members together with a very respectable entry of 46 images made for a good evening. Amanda made some useful and constructive comments on many of the images and held back 18 of them before the break. Eventually 6 were highly commended, 3 were commended and after admitting that...

Project Discussion Evening Nov 2nd 2023
Posted on Sun 5 Nov 2023

Jeremy gave an introduction as to the different ways that we could think about our projects in terms of not only subject matter but final presentation and ended with a sample project of his own from last season. In order to get us going we each chose at random a magazine from a pile of '...